What Does 94.5% Effective Mean?

November 2020

Today, Moderna announced results of their Covid-19 vaccine trial. This comes a week after Pfizer announced results for their own vaccine.

Headlines celebrate 94.5% effective or 90% effective! But what does that actually mean? And how is it calculated?

Moderna’s release states:

95 cases, of which 90 cases of COVID-19 were observed in the placebo group versus 5 cases observed in the mRNA-1273 group, resulting in a point estimate of vaccine efficacy of 94.5%

Let’s see, 90 of the 95 cases were from the placebo group. And 90 / 95 = 94.7%, which is pretty close. Is that how effectiveness is calculated? Reading the news coverage, it’s a safe bet that many think so.


Let’s start by defining some classes of patients:

We’ll use \neg for the inverse. \#(...) means count, E[...] means expected value, and Pr(...) means probability across all patients in the study. So, for example, Pr(C|\neg V) means: the probability that a patient caught the virus, given that they did not receive the vaccine.


Based on the news release, we can state our known facts:

  1. \#(C,X, V) = 5 The number of vaccine patients who were exposed to the virus and contracted it was 5.
  2. \#(C,X, \neg V) = 90 The number of placebo patients who were exposed to the virus and contracted it was 90.
  3. \#(V) = \#(\neg V) Assume that the vaccine and placebo groups are the same size.
  4. Pr(X | V) = Pr(X | \neg V) The chance of being exposed is the same in the vaccine and placebo groups.
  5. Pr(C | X, \neg V) = 1 By our definition of "exposure", if you were exposed to the virus without the vaccine, there is a 100% chance you contracted it.


The effectiveness of a vaccine is intuitively defined as:

What are the chances that you will not contract the virus when exposed to it if you were given the vaccine?

Writing the definition in our notation:

Pr(\neg C | X,V)?


Let’s start by inverting the probability:

  1. Pr(\neg C | X,V) = 1 - Pr(C | X,V)

Using raw counts for the conditional probability:

  1. Pr(\neg C|X,V) = 1 - \#(C,X,V)/\#(X,V)

Substituting (1) into (7):

  1. Pr(\neg C|X,V) = 1 - 5/\#(X,V)

From (3) and (4), we can derive that the same number of patients were expected to be exposed in the vaccine and placebo groups:

  1. \#(X,V) = E[X, V] = E[X, \neg V] = \#(X, \neg V)

From (2) and (5), all exposed patients in the placebo group contracted the virus:

  1. \#(X, \neg V) = \#(C, X, \neg V) = 90

Finally, from (8,9,10), we get:

  1. Pr(\neg C|X,V) = 1 - 5/90

In summary, "94.5% effective" does not come from 90/95—it comes from 1-5/90.

Bonus Observations